Do your dreams and your actions line up?

It’s one thing to dream about achieving great things in life; it’s another thing entirely to accomplish them. We focus so much on having dreams, nurturing them, making sure we have space to think about our purpose, on what we want to accomplish, our legacy, etc … we talk the talk. But do we walk the walk? Do our daily actions reflect our dreams?

Of course actions aren’t the only thing that matter. Intentions do as well. But our actions are how the world judges us; our behaviour is how the world decides whether they like us or not.

So do your dreams and your actions line up? It’s a loaded, complex, interconnected question. So for a start, let’s look at the people we model our behaviour after. I can only speak for myself - and these behaviours are the ones I have found to be present in all the people I look up to:

1) The work they have chosen to do helps improve people’s lives. Whether it’s a full time job or as a volunteer, my role models are keenly aware of the talents and resources they have at their disposal, and they use them make a positive difference in the lives of the needy. It’s inspiring and daunting all at the same time, but it is a constant reminder to me that the gifts we are given are only gifts if we give them away

2) They think deeply about their own behaviour. All the time. They think before they speak, they ask themselves the hard questions about their behaviour, they unpack past trauma so that they don’t repeat it and they focus their energy on becoming better version of themselves day by day

3) They embrace their humanity. They don’t try to be perfect. They are gentle with themselves and know deep down that theirs is a life long journey.They open their own Pandora’s Box and stare into it until they can sit next to it calmly

4) They don’t stay stuck for very long, and they understand that being stuck is just a part of their journey. They have become masters of their own journey, and see value in every moment life gives them

5) They are wise to the world. They live by their own rules as much as they live within the world. They are fully aware of how the world works and have found a way to navigate its boundaries while continuing to figure out what it takes to live the life they want

6) They are intensely private; they let very very very few people into their inner sanctum, and yet command an openness that makes everyone want to be around them. They also realize just how fragile life can be, and wield a depth and a breadth of the emotional spectrum that is awe-inspiring

I am incredibly lucky to have such people in my life and when I grow up, I want to be just like them.


My name is Eu Jin. I embarked on a career as a professional actor after 20 years in the corporate world. I am a big advocate of personal growth in the performing arts. I dedicate time and energy in performing arts education, specifically in the arena of practical approaches to inner health because I believe that this lays the groundwork for a sustainable career as an artiste.

If you would like to engage in a conversation about a healthy inner life practice, please leave me a message on the "Contact" page of my website and a way to contact you. Thank you.