I was sitting in church this evening, looking at the bright and gaudy Christmas decorations draped all over the church and it suddenly struck me - that’s not what Christmas is about. At least not to me. Even if you take away the religious aspect of Christmas, why do many people look forward to this particular season? Family, loved ones, showing them you care, connecting and re-connecting … for me, Christmas is about something a lot simpler, a lot more basic, a lot more human, a lot more real.
That got me thinking about my craft. What’s at the core of my craft? Why do I do it? For the fame? For the money? For the glitz and glamour?
Maybe coming into this industry at a later age has been the best thing I could have done. To me, fame is just a bigger platform to do good; money is a necessity but not the reason why I work on my craft; glitz and glamour are just the things that we dress our craft up in to make it appealing …
What’s at the core of my craft is the message that all human beings are the same and that connecting at this basic human level is the only way we have to ensure our survival. So all the work that I do every single day - working on my craft - is about getting in touch with my humanity more and more; it’s about learning all the technical facets of my craft and channeling it into being a better teller of the human story.
Unsurprisingly, decisions on where I want to spend my energy come a lot easier.
So … what’s at the core of your craft?
My name is Eu Jin. I embarked on a career as a professional actor after 20 years in the corporate world. I am a big supporter of personal growth and I dedicate time and energy in performing arts education, specifically in the arena of practical approaches to inner health because I believe that this lays the groundwork for a sustainable career as an artiste.
If you would like to engage in a conversation about a healthy inner life practice, please leave me a message on the "Contact" page of my website and a way to contact you. Thanks!